Author Archives: Steve Turner

What is “Short Stay” Fostering?

Short Stay Fostering, or “respite fostering” as it is also known, is something we offer to the foster carers in our community. Our carers receive 22 days respite per year, and we have qualified short stay carers on hand to provide stays for the children. Short Stay Carers may also provide help with short notice […]

Coronavirus Resource – Digital Ebooks for Children

Our wonderful therapy team have put together some fantastic resources for children during the global COVID-19 pandemic. The news on the television and online can be incredibly worrying, difficult to understand and can make kids anxious. The books below are free to read online or download, and they present the symptoms, myths and precautions in […]

Colouring In For Relaxation with Channels & Choices

Free Christmas Colouring Pack to download! Click on the button below to download a free PDF of Christmas card designs and gift labels for you to colour and give to people this Christmas! Download now and get colouring! In these trying times, colouring in for relaxation can be good for adults and children! Here at […]