The Curriculum
A broad and balanced range of subjects are taught to ensure good development of pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding. The curriculum reflects life in Modern Britain through its Global Studies, PSHE and follows a Prevent scheme of work. This promotes and ensures that all pupils are aware of the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs, and for those without faith.
In KS4 pupils are given the opportunity to achieve accredited qualifications aspiring to GCSE where appropriate or to achieve the equivalent using Functional Skills and Vocational pathways. This enables pupils to achieve in ‘bite size chunks’ which is often more suitable to their needs. Pupils’ are supported into further education, in the next stage of their lives, and are supported with careers advice and transition.
We recognise that homework can contribute significantly to closing learning gaps and accelerating pupil progress, therefore pupils are encouraged to take home and complete homework with the support of carers/parents on a personalised basis.
Pupil Progress Data
Pupil progress data is available upon request
Special Educational Needs
The school accepts its responsibility to ensure that the special needs of each pupil are addressed and reviewed annually.
This is achieved by:
- Ensuring annual reviews of all Education Health Care Plans, PEP’s and CIC’s are completed on time and amended accordingly
- Specific agreed interventions, including therapeutic provisions, are planned, attended and monitored by staff
- Learning and Behaviour targets are reviewed and amended accordingly
- Small class sizes with experienced staff are maintained
- The teachers ensure that there is a broad and balanced curriculum that meets the needs of all pupils
All pupils have an Individual Education Plan based on the content of their Personal Education Plans, Education and Health Care Plan, Education Psychology Reports, Clinical Psychology Reports and Emotional Needs Assessments. All Education Plans are reviewed termly or bi-termly depending on the individual needs of the pupil. School reports are also completed 3 times a year.