Give your foster child the best care

Fed up with your foster agency?

You’re an experienced, skilled and very competent carer but, the lack of support and waiting times for specialist services is affecting your foster child’s well being. You feel stuck. It’s time to change to an agency that can help you both.

Get the support you both need by changing to Channels & Choices

Be recognised for your hard work

Feel appreciated every day and continually recognised for your valuable work in foster care

Promises will be kept

Quickly get responses to your questions or concerns and follow-up actions being taken when we've promised

Give the best care to your child

Develop your skills as a carer and quickly get the specialist support and assessments your child may need

Feel like you're part of something

You will feel like you're part of a family with regular networking groups, 24/7 support and lots of fun community events

Change agencies with our help


A home visit from one of our friendly advisors


We’ll help you complete the transfer paperwork


Give your child the care they deserve


A Guide To Transferring to Us.

A step-by-step guide to how you can change agencies for a better life for you and your foster child. 

We know our families.
We know our children.

Being a carer can be frustrating and lonely if you aren’t supported and connected with your agency’s community. We are an independent agency where every person is valued and every team member is accountable for their families. You never get ignored and you never feel alone.

Changing fostering agencies in Kent

Too many carers fall out of love with fostering because they’re fed up with the lack of support from their agency preventing their foster children from living their best life. Here at Channels & Choices Fostering, we provide in-house therapeutic fostering services so existing carers can quickly get the high-level support they need to give their child the best care.

Fostering frequently asked questions

Yes, in the majority cases your child will transfer with you.

Local Authorities would only look at moving a child if the move would mean a lower level of support is provided.

Channels and Choices are able to offer a high level of support for all carers.

Yes, Channels and Choices will discuss your current package with you and match this.

From application, usually around three to five months.

Just arrange a call to discuss you transferring over and what’s involved. You can also download our Transfer Guide.

No, Channels and Choices work with Local Authorities across the country and receive numerous referrals. Placement will of course be affected by the matching concerns within your own family.

Additionally, our Stepping Stones model means that we are always looking for carers for children transitioning into fostering.

While agencies will of course be disappointed to lose valued carers they should respect the right of all carers to choose who they work with.

Yes, there is a clear transfer protocol which sets out the process and protects your right to change agencies. We will support and guide you throughout this. Get the Transfer guide here

If you didn’t find your answer here, please call on 01304 361 888, or send us a message.

Change agencies so you can give the best care without losing your child


A guide to transferring
to us

How you can change agencies for a better life for you and your foster child.

*We do not share your information.