The Sallygate School is led by Alistair Hammond (Headteacher) who has worked within the education sector since 1996, providing specialised strategies to mainstream schools to meet the needs of pupils who need additional specialist intervention. As a Deputy Headteacher, he helped to form the groundworks for the newly designed Beacon school, one of the largest Profound Severe and Complex Needs schools in the country. Alistair joined the Sallygate School as Headteacher in 2021.
The staff team is made up of qualified and highly experienced Teachers and Learning Mentors many of whom have a long history of working alongside pupils who have complex and challenging needs that makes learning difficult.
There is a strong support network throughout the school, including daily meetings, fortnightly supervision, targeted Personal Development Plans as part of the Appraisal system, specific training, and an ‘open door’ culture to discuss any concerns at any time.