School uniform
As a school we value identity and a sense of pride in the pupils. School uniform gives a sense of belonging and this extends to how we present ourselves to the wider community. Our school uniform was chosen by the School Council and was introduced in September 2014.
Update November 2024
You can now order our school uniform directly from Ambition Sport. Click on the button below to order.
School uniform is compulsory and comprises of:
- Plain White school or polo shirt
- The School Jumper with logo
- Plain Black school trousers or Jogging Bottoms
- Black school shoes or plain black trainers.
For PE lessons all pupils are expected to wear appropriate PE kit:
- Suitable trainers
- Black t-shirt with logo
- Optional logo black joggers.
- Plain black sports shorts (suitable length) or a Skort for girls
Outdoor Learning lessons take place regardless of the weather (except in extreme circumstances); therefore pupils will need to bring;
- Wellie boots/Outdoor Shoes
- Waterproof coat
- Warm clothing
Pupils are expected to attend school in uniform and then change for these lessons when appropriate, unless otherwise arranged with school staff.
Mobile phones are not permitted in school unless this is agreed for safety reasons with parents/carers. Upon arriving at school Mobile Phones are handed in to staff who will keep them safe in the school office until the end of the school day.
For safety reasons jewellery is limited to;
- a small cross, crucifix or recognised religious symbol on a simple neck chain,
- one plain set of ear studs.
- one small nose stud
- wristwatch (not a smart watch)
No other jewellery is permitted.
Make Up is not to be worn until KS4 (Year 10 &11) and must be discreet.
Pupils who bring unauthorised items to school will have them confiscated and either returned to carers/parents or destroyed; in all incidents parents/carers will be consulted on the course of action to be followed.