The Sallygate School aims to provide full time education for boys and girls of 8-17 who have complex social and emotional difficulties. Pupils attending the school are either referred via Channels and Choices as part of a joint service including care and education or via the local authority (Kent). Every effort is made to ensure that pupils are appropriately placed, and that the provision offered by the school matches the needs of the child. Where it is thought appropriate, integration into mainstream or alternative additional providers will be considered, as part of a clearly defined pathway for the child.
In all cases pupils will be considered for admission if:
The pupil’s educational needs, including those outlined on their Education and Health Care Plan can be met.
There is a place in an appropriate class and/or year group.
Their admission would not seriously disrupt the education of current pupils.
Pupils for whom English is an additional language are admitted only providing that they meet the above criteria. For such pupils additional support can be provided on a 1:1 basis or within very small teaching groups.
For any enquiries related to admissions please contact our Admissions and Referrals Officer Jacky Tarkhani by clicking on the button below.