Children in Kent need your help.
As a Channels & Choices Foster Carer you will be part of a community like no other in the UK. Our outstanding service offers unrivalled support, pay and career development.
Do you have what it takes?
We welcome applicants from all backgrounds, both new to fostering and existing foster carers. All we ask is for your heart and mind to be open to a therapeutic, empathic approach to children who come to live in your home.
Channels & Choices offer full time foster care, short stay (respite) foster care and parent and child foster care.
As a foster carer you will be part of a multi-disciplinary team working with fellow professionals from our fostering, therapy, education and residential teams, working together to achieve outstanding outcomes for children. Our carers benefit from what we believe to be the best financial support package available.
You will be supported to achieve this with high level, high quality training with a range of professionals including Professor David Shemmings OBE.
Existing carers wishing to transfer will benefit from all the above alongside a straight forward guided transition process and the opportunity to speak to carers who have experienced this.
What do I do next?
The next step for you is to fill out the simple form below and our fostering team will pop an information pack in the post to you. When you decide to apply, our friendly recruitment team offer a supportive seamless assessment process and they’ll be with you every step of the way to help you through the application process. If you would prefer to request one by telephone, give us a call on 01304 361888
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Want some great advice?
Speak to our fostering team
We speak to new and experienced carers every day, so call us on 01304 361 888 or send a callback request.
Download a fostering brochure
Get a digital copy of our fostering brochure, which is jammed with great info. Download your copy.