Progress and Achievement
According to the DFE Research Report DFE-RR096 ‘pupils who were behind at the previous Key stage are less likely to make progress than those who achieved the expected level or above’. For various reasons many of our pupils have previous gaps within their education and are often working at lower key stages when they join Sallygate School. Academic progress and achievement is collated either termly or bi-termly through functional skills assessments and our bespoke ‘Assessment Without Levels’ logs, which demonstrates their attainment both in functional skills English and Maths and also within the new National Curriculum. Our most recent data shows:
- 100% of primary pupils have made outstanding progress in reading
- 75% of primary pupils have made outstanding progress and 25% made good progress in writing
- 100% of primary pupils have made outstanding progress in maths
A recent pre Ofsted inspection carried out by a qualified Ofsted inspector states “The school’s progress data over time shows that pupils make good to outstanding progress in relation to their different starting points and capabilities. For example, 2014-2015 data shows that there is a good proportion of pupils who made the expected and more than expected progress. Some of the pupils have also exceeded the expectations in relation to starting points. Data for 2015-16 shows that the attainment is improving and progress is good to outstanding.”
New procedures were introduced into the school in September which has demonstrated an accelerated increase in academic achievements and a decrease in behaviours displayed as barriers to learning. A recent commissioned pre inspection report states:
- “The schools data over time shows that pupils make good to outstanding progress in relation to their different starting points and capabilities. Data for 2015-2016 shows that the attainment is improving and progress is good to outstanding.”
- “The school provides a very calm and welcoming learning environment where both staff and pupils work in mutual respect. Behaviour in relation to starting point is excellent.”
- “Leaders, including trusts have high expectations of what pupils can achieve.”
- A scrutiny of pupils work shows that pupils make good to outstanding progress over time. Pupils show pride in their work and are happy to show their work to visitors. Pupils say that they enjoy being in school and achieve very well.”
- “Pupils work hard in school and show very good work ethics, preparing them very well for their future lives.”
We need a link here to the last Ofsted Inspection